Frequently Asked Questions| Freelance Web Design | City Web Design
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Frequently Asked Questions

Tips and useful information

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions which I hope is useful, but if you have any other questions please get in touch.

What is a Domain name?

A domain name is for example: “”, anyone can register a domain name.  Ideally it should be short and memorable as this will be convenient to let people know.  Aim for 6-14 letters.  Your domain name choice is important as it is the first impression, it affects SEO and defines your business or brand.

How do I arrange Hosting and what is it?

You can approach a hosting company, but I can advise on this. Hosting is the space you rent on the internet to store and display your website.  Any company who hold that space are the hosts. Hosting packages offer various facilities and this is reflected in the price. You will pay more for unlimited disc space, data transfer, backups as well as email accounts and database facilities.

Why do I need SEO?

SEO is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to the website by increasing its visibility.  Carefully crafted text using keywords and phrases encourage search engines to notice the website, evaluate it as credible content and give it a high ranking in the results page of search engine like Google. Without SEO work, your site may never be found!

Is WordPress a Platform?

Yes, WordPress is a platform. In the computer world, a “platform” typically refers to a computer’s operating system. For example, a Dell computer running Windows XP would be considered to be running on a Windows platform. An iMac, on the other hand, runs on the Macintosh platform. (Definition from The Tech Terms Dictionary)

When I create websites, I use the platform WordPress as a content management system in which to hold the site.

Other major platforms include iOS, Android, Square, Xbox, Youtube, Wikipedia, Airbnb, Handybook, Postmates, Lyft, Etsy, Seamless, Snapchat, Kickstarter, Lending Club, Groupon, Skype, WeChat, Facebook, and Instagram.

Will I own the website?

You will own the website, although you will always need to lease hosting space on the internet to display it.

Can I use your service if I don’t live near Almondsbury?

Yes, I’ve been working with clients across the UK for many years and usually meet with video conferencing or telephone for convenience.

Can I amend/update my website myself?

If you want to manage the website yourself you can do this by means of an on-line control panel. Updates can be made anytime. I can provide an easy step by step guide via an online video tutorial to guide you through the process.

E-Commerce: How can I sell items from my website?

There are many options for selling online, things like ease of maintenance and cost are factors to consider.  I can guide you about which option is right for you.

How much will a website cost?

Cost depends on the amount of work involved. I’m happy to quote after an initial chat. Domain name and hosting are additional costs from £60 per year for hosting and £10-15 for a domain name.

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